Previous Topic: Association of a Validation Rule Set with a Task Screen Field

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How to Initiate Validation

At run time, validation is initiated in any of the following ways:

User submits a task

Validates the fields on the submitted task screen that are associated with validation rules.

User navigates to a different task screen tab

Validates the fields in the vacated tab that are associated with validation rules.

User clicks a Validate button on a tab

Validates the fields in the current tab that are associated with validation rules.

The Validate button also executes Logical Attribute Handlers that include the validate method.

User changes a value in a field who's Validate on Change property is yes

Validates the fields in the current tab that are associated with validation rules.

For example, if Validate on change is enabled for an Employee Type field, and the field value is changed from Non-exempt to Exempt, all fields on the tab that are associated with validation rules are validated. One rule could require that a Salary field contain a value, and another rule could automatically change an Hourly Rate field to 0.

Custom code uses a setAttribute... method in AttributeCollection or a tab handler to set a managed object attribute value

The field is configured with the managed object attribute being set.