The definition of the JavaScript interface for directory-level validation is as follows:
public boolean validate( String attributeValue, StringRef changedValue, StringRef errorMessage );
Input parameter
Specifies the value of the attribute being validated.
Output parameter
Provides an optional transformation value that replaces the user-supplied value being validated. If no transformation is necessary, pass back null.
Output parameter
If validation fails, it displays a message to the user.
The message is displayed through AttributeValidationException. If the method returns false, CA Identity Manager generates this exception.
The output parameters changedValue and errorMessage are of data type StringRef. StringRef is a predefined data type that contains the field reference, to which you assign a value, as shown in the following examples:
changedValue.reference="+1 " + phoneNumber;
errorMessage.reference="Phone number " + phoneNumber + " does not match the format nnn-nnn-nnnn.";
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