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Configure an LDAP User Directory

Depending upon your installation, you may already have an LDAP directory. You can use the following procedure to check whether the directory exists or to create the directory.

To configure an LDAP user directory

  1. In the directory server console, create a new instance of LDAP with the following root:

    Write down the port number, which you will need later.

  2. Import the NeteAuto.ldif file to the directory server from samples\NeteAuto in the Administrative Tools.

    The Administrative Tools are installed in the following default locations:

Note: If you experience problems importing the LDIF file or creating the Identity Manager directory, add the following to the beginning of the LDIF file:

dn: dc=security, dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: domain
dc: security

After saving the file, repeat steps 1 and 2.