To migrate the IdentityMinder EAR on WebSphere Application Servers
For Windows, enter this command:
imsExport.bat "path-to-exported-ear"
where path-to-exported-ear is the full path and file name that the imsExport utility creates.
For Windows systems, use forward slashes (/) instead of back slashes (\) when you specify the path to was_im.ear. For example:
imsExport.bat "c:/program files/CA/CA Identity Manager/ exported_ear/iam_im.ear"
For UNIX, enter this command:
./wsadmin -f imsExport.jacl -conntype RMI -port 2809 path to exported ear
where path-to-exported-ear is the full path including the file name of the exported EAR file.
The ra.xml file contains the Policy Server connection information.
deployment_manager_dir \bin.
Note: The imsInstall.jacl script may take several minutes to execute.
wsadmin -f imsInstall.jacl "path-to-copied-ear" cluster_name
where path-to-copied-ear is full path including the file name for the IdentityMinder EAR that you copied to the Deployment Manager system.
For example:
wsadmin -f imsInstall.jacl "c:\Program Files\CA\Identity Manager\WebSphere-tools\was_im.ear" im_cluster
./wsadmin -f imsInstall.jacl path-to-copied-ear cluster_name
where path-to-copied-ear is full path including the file name for the IdentityMinder EAR that you copied to the Deployment Manager system.
For example:
./wsadmin -f imsInstall.jacl /opt/CA/Identity Manager/websphere-tools/was_im.ear im_cluster
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