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Migrate the iam_im.ear for WebSphere

To migrate the IdentityMinder EAR on WebSphere Application Servers

  1. Copy the imsInstall.jacl script from was_im_tools_dir\WebSphere-tools to the deployment_manager_dir \bin directory where:
  2. On the development system where you configured the Identity Manager application, copy was_im_tools_dir \WebSphere-tools\imsExport.bat or to was_home\bin.
  3. On the command line, navigate to was_home\bin.
  4. Make sure the WebSphere application server is running.
  5. Export the deployed Identity Manager application as follows:

    For Windows, enter this command:

    imsExport.bat "path-to-exported-ear"

    where path-to-exported-ear is the full path and file name that the imsExport utility creates.

    For Windows systems, use forward slashes (/) instead of back slashes (\) when you specify the path to was_im.ear. For example:

    imsExport.bat "c:/program files/CA/CA Identity Manager/

    For UNIX, enter this command:

    ./wsadmin -f imsExport.jacl -conntype RMI -port 2809 path to exported ear

    where path-to-exported-ear is the full path including the file name of the exported EAR file.

  6. Copy the exported EAR file from the location on the development system where you exported it to a location on the system where the Deployment Manager is installed.
  7. Replace the was_im_tools_dir/WebSphere-ear/iam_im.ear/policyserver_rar/META-INF/ra.xml with the one from the production environment.

    The ra.xml file contains the Policy Server connection information.

  8. On the system where the Deployment Manager is installed, deploy the IdentityMinder EAR:
    1. From the command line, navigate to:

      deployment_manager_dir \bin.

    2. Make sure that the WebSphere application server is running.
    3. Run the imsInstall.jacl script as follows:

    Note: The imsInstall.jacl script may take several minutes to execute.


    wsadmin -f imsInstall.jacl "path-to-copied-ear" cluster_name

    where path-to-copied-ear is full path including the file name for the IdentityMinder EAR that you copied to the Deployment Manager system.

    For example:

    wsadmin -f imsInstall.jacl "c:\Program Files\CA\Identity Manager\WebSphere-tools\was_im.ear" im_cluster


    ./wsadmin -f imsInstall.jacl path-to-copied-ear cluster_name

    where path-to-copied-ear is full path including the file name for the IdentityMinder EAR that you copied to the Deployment Manager system.

    For example:

    ./wsadmin -f imsInstall.jacl /opt/CA/Identity Manager/websphere-tools/was_im.ear im_cluster

  9. If CA Identity Manager integrates with SiteMinder, verify the following: