Previous Topic: Uninstall CA Identity Manager Software Components

Next Topic: Reinstall CA Identity Manager

Remove CA Identity Manager from WebSphere

After uninstalling CA Identity Manager software, you can remove the CA Identity Manager configuration from your application server by using the WebSphere Administrative Console or by executing scripts from the command line.

To remove CA Identity Manager using the Administrative Console

  1. Open the WebSphere Administrative Console using the following URL:


  2. Select Applications, Enterprise Applications.
  3. In the Enterprise Applications screen, select the check box next to CA Identity Manager and click Stop.
  4. Select the check box next to CA Identity Manager and click Uninstall.
  5. If you installed the SiteMinder EAR and SiteMinder Agent EAR, stop these applications, and uninstall them as described previously.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Save to save changes to the master configuration.
  8. Remove the ca-stylesr5.1.1.ear file.

    Note: Only remove the ca-stylesr5.1.1.ear if no other CA product is using it.

To remove CA Identity Manager using the command line

CA Identity Manager includes two scripts that you can use to remove CA Identity Manager from the WebSphere application server:

To remove CA Identity Manager using the command line, perform the following procedure.

  1. From the command line, navigate to websphere_home\bin.
  2. Be sure that the WebSphere application server is running.
  3. Run the Uninstall script as follows:
  4. Run the Cleanup script as follows:

    where websphere_node is the name of the WebSphere node where CA Identity Manager was installed.

  5. Remove the ca-stylesr5.1.1.ear file.

    Note: Only remove the ca-stylesr5.1.1.ear if no other CA product is using it.

  6. Remove the service integration bus as follows:
    1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, go to Service Integration, Buses.
    2. Remove iam_im-IMSBus.
    3. Stop the application server.
    4. Remove the node_name.server_name.IMSBus directory under websphere_home\profiles\websphere_profile\databases\\