Previous Topic: Configure SMTP Settings on WebLogic

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Configure SMTP Settings on WebSphere

The imsSetup utility that you run after installing the CA Identity Manager components configures a new mail session object called mailMail.

For the email notification feature to work correctly, specify the server that WebSphere connects to when sending email in the Mail Transport Host field for the mailMail session.

The mailMail session is located in Resources, Mail Providers, Built-in Mail Provider, Mail Sessions, mailMail in the WebSphere Administrative Console.

Note: To view the mailMail object, change the Scope to Server in the Mail Session screen. If you do not change the scope to Server, the mailMail object is not displayed.

For more information on configuring a WebSphere mail provider, see the WebSphere documentation.

If you are using the email template method, enable email notification in the Management Console after you configure the SMTP settings.

Note: You do not need to enable email notifications in the Management Console if you are using email notification policies.