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The Provisioning Server framework invokes a pre-exit before executing a particular operation. For common exits, the Provisioning Server framework interprets the return XML buffer to determine whether to continue execution of the particular operation. For native exits, the agent plug-in must interpret the return XML buffer.

If the agent plug-in returns a success status code (LDAP_SUCCESS), the Provisioning Server continues to perform the operation. If the agent plug‑in returns an error code, the operation is aborted.

Note: For native program exits, your custom connector agent plug-in must interpret the return XML buffer. Furthermore, your agent plug-in must return either success or failure to the Provisioning Server framework. Success lets the operation continue. Failure aborts the operation.

If one pre-exit fails, the operation will be aborted even if other pre-exits let the operation continue. In addition, as soon as a pre-exit aborts the operation, other pre-exits (with the same or lower priority) will not be called.