A role object can reference program exits to assign the exits that are invoked for various operations on global users associated with that provisioning role. If a provisioning role references a program exit, those exits are called in addition to the exits referenced by the Common Configuration Object. The exits defined on the common configuration object are invoked before exits defined on the provisioning role (hierarchy order).
When adding a global user (PRE_ADD_GLOBAL_USER and POST_ADD_GLOBAL_USER exit types), program exits are invoked based on the initial set of provisioning roles being assigned to the user.
When associating or disassociating a provisioning role with a global user (PRE_ASSOCIATE_ROLE, POST_ASSOCIATE_ROLE, PRE_DISASSOCIATE_ROLE and POST_DISASSOCIATE_ROLE exit types), the program exits referenced by the provisioning roles being associated or disassociated are invoked.
When modifying an existing global user in other ways (using the exit types listed below), all provisioning roles to which the global user belongs are consulted to identify program exits to invoke.
The common configuration object handles add exits for a global user.
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