Program exits have a single return value, which is an XML buffer. Program exits must return an XML buffer, which has the following format:
<eTExitReturn> <eTExitReturnCategory> </eTExitReturnCategory> <eTExitReturnNative> </eTExitReturnNative> <eTExitLogMsg> </eTExitLogMsg> <eTExitContinue> </eTExitContinue> <eTExitCustom> </eTExitCustom> <eTPersistentFailure> </eTPersistentFailure> </eTExitReturn>
This value is not required.
Groups various native return codes into one of three categories for the purpose of simplifying process flow.
If no value is specified, SUCCESS is assumed.
This value is not required.
Specifies the return value from the native program exit call.
This value is a string representation of what occurred.
This value is not required. It is, however, highly recommended to enter a value for failure or warning responses:
Specifies a string value that the native program exit wants the server to log.
This value will be a UTF-8 string.
This value is not required.
Specifies whether to continue the process flow after the return from the program exit. This value overrides the default behavior. See Default Values.
TRUE - Continue Execution.
FALSE - Stop Execution.
The default values are based on the eTExitReturnCategory attribute.
TRUE - If eTExitReturnCategory is SUCCESS or WARNING.
FALSE - If eTExitReturnCategory is FAILURE.
This value is not required.
For common program exits, this value is reserved for future use.
For native exits, this value is connector-specific.
Any valid XML document.
The program exit parses this input argument to get the data it needs to perform its specific task.
This value is not required.
Used only in responses from IMS Notifications, which share with program exits the same XML buffers for encoding requests and responses. A persistent failure is a notification that is rejected based on a problem in the content (likely a programming error) rather than based on some retry-able situation.
TRUE - Indicates a persistent failure.
FALSE - Indicates a transient failure, one that might succeed later if retried.
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