Account attributes are generated using rule strings, which are variables substituted with the value for the specific account. Rule strings are useful when you want to generate attributes that may change from one account to another. When rules are evaluated, CA Identity Manager replaces the rule strings entered in the account templates with data specified in the global user object.
Note: Rule evaluation is not performed on accounts created during an exploration or on accounts created without provisioning roles.
Because account names must be unique, enter a %AC% rule string in the account name field on an account template. When CA Identity Manager creates an account using this account template, it uses the user's account name.
The following table lists the rule strings in CA Identity Manager:
Rule String |
Description |
%AC% |
Account name |
%D% |
Current date in the format dd/mm/yyyy (the date is a computed value that does not involve the global user's information). This rule string is equivalent to one of the following: %$$DATE()% |
Mailbox hide from exchange address book |
Mailbox home server name |
Mailbox store name |
Numeric UNIX/POSIX user identifier. This rule variable is the same as %UID% as long as the global user's UID value is set. However, if the global user has no assigned UID value, and UID-generation is enabled (Global Properties on System Task), the next available UID value is allocated, assigned to the global user, and used as the value of this rule variable. |
%P% |
Password |
%U% |
Global user name |
%UA% |
Full address (generated from street, city, state, and postal code) |
%UB% |
Building |
%UC% |
City |
Company name |
Country |
%UCUxx% or %UCUxxx% |
Custom field (xx or xxx represents the 2- or 3-digit field ID as specified on the Custom User Fields tab in the System Task frame) |
%UD% |
Description |
Department |
%UE% |
Email address |
%UEP% |
Primary email address |
%UES% |
Secondary email addresses |
%UF% |
First name |
%UFAX% |
Facsimile number |
%UHP% |
Home page |
%UI% |
Initials |
%UID% |
Numeric UNIX/POSIX User Identifier |
%UL% |
Last name |
%ULOC% |
Location |
%UMI% |
Middle initial |
%UMN% |
Middle name |
%UMP% |
Mobile telephone number |
%UN% |
Full name |
%UO% |
Office name |
%UP% |
Telephone number |
Pager number |
%UPC% |
Postal code, ZIP Code |
%UPE% |
Telephone number extension |
%US% |
State |
%USA% |
Street address |
%UT% |
Job title |
%XD% |
Generates the current timestamp in XML dateTimeValue format, a fixed-length string format. In a dateValue or timeValue attribute, you can write an (:offset,length) substring expression to extract the date or time parts of the dateTimeValue. For example, %XD:1,10% yields YYYY-MM-DD; and %XD:12,8% yields HH:MM:SS. |
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