Two operational attributes control the SPML retry capability:
For an example of a request flagged for retry, see the appendix “Sample SPML Requests.”
The file hivemodule-plugin-deploy.xml in the SPML deployment directory includes configuration items:
If a problem occurs in this area, the databases can be truncated by shutting down the SPML server and simply deleting their directories (the SPML server will automatically create new blank directories on start-up).
retryMaximumCount tells the SPML server the maximum number of times it should retry an operation before giving up and returning an error. When a retry is needed, the SPML server waits before doing the retry, to give the network or server failure a chance to correct itself. The time it waits before retrying is controlled by the retryDelayMinutes setting.
Any manual changes made to a hivemodule-plugin-deploy.xml file from a previous release will need to be reapplied to the file for this release.
To cancel a retried request, submit a SPML cancel request referring to its identifier. If a retry attempt has begun, it will continue, but no further retry attempts will be made.
Note: Retry functionality is not supported on SPML modify requests that change an object's Distinguished Name (DN).
Access credentials for the databases used by the SPML server are stored in the and hivemodule-plugin-deploy.xml configuration files. Each database supports two different styles of URLs in their datasources:
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