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Registry Access

On Windows, configuration information is stored in the Windows registry and edited with a native Windows utility such as regedt32 or regedit.On UNIX, the registry is emulated as files in the file system (/opt/CA/SharedComponents/EnterpriseCommonServices/registry). Protect these files as you would the contents of other configuration files. Installation will protect the Identity Manager keys by default. Only imps group users can read them and only the imps user can write them.

To dump out the entire registry, you can use the command eCSoption /r. To view, modify or delete specific registry settings that are specific to Identity Manager, use the Identity Manager utility eta-env.

For example to view a registry setting, you could use these commands:

eta-env action=get name=”etrust_bindtodb_need_tls” type=int
eta-env action=get name="logging/caldap_client_logfile"eta-env action=get name="/enterprise_common_services/installpath"

and to set a registry value

eta-env action=set name=”etrust_bindtodb_need_tls” value=1 type=int
eta-env action=set name="logging/caldap_client_logfile" value=my_file_name

Names that begin with / (slash), are relative to:


Simple names, without a / (slash), are relative to:

[HKEY_LOCAL_SYSTEM]\SOFTWARE\ComputerAssociates\Identity Manager\Provisioning Server

Consequently, these two command invocations

eta-env action=get name=”/Identity Manager\Provisioning Manager/etrust_bindtodb_need_tls” type=int
eta-env action=get name=”etrust_bindtodb_need_tls” type=int

refer the same configuration parameter.

Note: The registry path of “Identity Manager\Provisioning Server” is set in the $ETAHOME/data/reg_path.conf.file. The preceding eta-env commands are valid on UNIX and Windows; however, Windows has multiple eta-env.exe commands installed. If you run the eta-env.exe command from the provisioning server installation, it consults the reg_path.conf file from that installation and the registry keys and values are as shown in this section with UNIX. However, if you run the eta-env.exe command that is installed with the provisioning manager installation, it consults the reg_path.conf file from that installation and the registry keys and values being accessed are those under “Identity Manager\Provisioning Manager” instead.