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Processes/Child Operation Thread Pool Size

Default Value: 200

Description: This parameter defines the maximum number of threads in the server-wide child operation thread pool. When the server decides to split up a single operation into multiple sub-operations, those sub-operations are carried out by the threads in the child operation thread pool. The larger you make the value for this parameter, the more work the Provisioning Server attempts in parallel.

Currently the Provisioning Server only uses the child operation thread pool to carry out the multi-account search and multi-account update functions submitted by the Web interface. For synchronization and propagation operation, regardless of which client submits these requests, and even though they also spawn child operations, the child operations are carried out in series in the main operation's thread.

This parameter does not affect the primary server thread pool used for processing separate requests received from client applications. This thread pool size is controlled by the SLAPD parameter called threads in the eta_slapd.conf file. See on the Provisioning Manager help for editing parameters in this configuration file.

Important! Changes to this parameter do not take effect until the Provisioning Server service is restarted.