Values: No (default) or Yes
Description: Controls having new global users created with their passwords already expired, forcing users to change their passwords during the initial login. If you set this parameter to Yes, global users created from non-interactive interfaces have their password initially set as expired. This is represented in the global user properties as a value of 1 for the property PwdPreExpired. This option appears on the global user's property sheet as the Force one-time expiration (mark password as temporary) check box.
The setting of the password as initially expired occurs when global users are created through the following interfaces:
If you create a global user using an interactive client such as Provisioning Manager, whether the global user's password is initially expired or not is determined from the value of the PwdPreExpired property provided when the global user is created. In Provisioning Manager, you control this value by selecting or clearing the check box labeled Force immediate expiration (one-time). Provisioning Manager automatically selects the Force one-time expiration (mark password as temporary) field if the Pre-expire passwords parameter is enabled. To disable this default behavior, clear the field before creating the global user.
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