Each global user privilege cache item stores information obtained from a global user and its assigned admin profiles and global user groups. This information includes administrative privileges, password, suspension status and the names of included admin profiles and including global user groups.
Unlike the admin profile privilege cache and global user group privilege cache, the global user privilege cache items also store indirect information obtained from referenced items, so it contains a full list of the accesses privileges that a global user has.
Each time a global user privilege cache item is initialized, the global user's full list of effective privileges and assigned admin profiles and global user groups is written to the server trace log. This information, written only if Transaction Log/Level is set to 4 or greater, includes information obtained directly from the global user, information obtained indirectly from assigned global user groups and admin profiles, and information obtained implicitly based on assigned web or workflow privileges. Look for the text "EFFECTIVE PRIVILEGE LIST INITIALIZED" in the server trace log. This will be followed by the distinguished name of a global user and a list of privileges, a list of admin profiles and a list of global user groups.
Parameter: Cache/Global User Privilege Cache Maximum Age
Default Value: 600 seconds (equals 10 minutes)
Parameter: Cache/Global User Privilege Cache Maximum Size
Default Value: 20
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