Request Type |
Function |
Account-CheckSync |
Check an account against its assigned policies for out-of-sync attributes. |
Account-ForcedDelete |
Delete this account and clear all references to it. |
Account-Relocate |
Move the selected account to the correct container as specified by a given policy. |
Account-SyncWithPolicies |
Synchronize an account with its assigned policies. |
Container-CheckAccountSync |
Check whether the accounts in a container need to be synchronized with associated policies. |
Container-Correlate |
Perform a correlation on an endpoint or on a container of a hierarchical endpoint. Scope ONELEVEL_SCOPE SUBTREE_SCOPE CreateUserAsNeeded |
Container-Explore |
Perform an explore operation on an endpoint or a container of a hierarchical endpoint. Scope ONELEVEL_SCOPE SUBTREE_SCOPE |
Container-SyncAccountsWithPolicies |
Synchronize the accounts in a container with their assigned policies. |
Container-UpdateUserFields |
Update the global users' attributes with their correlated accounts' attributes, according to the attribute mappings defined in the defaultUserUpdateMap field of the container object. Scope ONELEVEL_SCOPE SUBTREE_SCOPE |
EndPoint-IncludeContainer |
Bring a top-level container into the database (but not its contents). This is required for the exploration operation to work on some hierarchical endpoints such as ADS endpoints where the normal ONELEVEL exploration does not add the top-level container to the provisioning direcotry. This is also useful to manage only a portion of the hierarchical endpoint with the Provisioning Server while the remaining portion is completely hidden to Provisioning Server users. ContainerName ContainerType |
Group-ListMembers |
Search for Global Users that are members of this Group. Scope ONELEVEL_SCOPE SUBTREE_SCOPE UserNameMatchString CountLim |
Policy-CheckAccountSync |
Check the accounts against a given policy. |
Policy-ForcedDelete |
Delete this policy and clear all references to it. |
Policy-RelocateAccounts |
Move the accounts associated with a policy to the correct containers. |
Policy-SyncAccounts |
Synchronize the accounts associated with a policy. |
Role-CheckAccountSync |
Check whether the accounts of multiple users need to be synchronized against the policies assigned to this role. |
Role-CheckUserSync |
Check whether the users of a role need to be synchronized with their associated policies. |
Role-DeleteWithPolicies |
Delete the role and all associated policies. ForcedDelete
Role-ForcedDelete |
Delete this role and clear all references to it. |
Role-SyncAccountsWithPolicies |
Synchronize the accounts of multiple users against the policies assigned to a role. |
Role-SyncUsers |
Synchronize the users of a role with all assigned policies. |
User-CheckAccountSync |
Check whether the accounts of a user need to be synchronized with associated policies. |
User-CheckSync |
Check whether the user requires synchronization with associated Roles. |
User-DeleteWithAccounts |
Delete the user and all associated accounts. ForcedDelete |
User-ForcedDelete |
Delete this user and clear all references to it. |
User-GeneratePassword |
Generate a random password that conforms to the password quality rules for a global user. |
User-RequestPasswordReset |
Register a user's password reset request. |
User-SyncAccountsWithPolicies |
Synchronize the accounts of a user with their assigned policies. |
User-SyncWithRolesAddAccounts |
Synchronize a user with roles and create accounts. |
User-SyncWithRolesDeleteAccounts |
Synchronize a user with roles and delete accounts. |
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