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Explore and Correlate/Map User ID to Lowercase

Values: No (default) or Yes

Description: Map all user IDs to lowercase when creating global users during the Create Users phase of explore/correlate. When you acquire one of your primary directories, you create global users for the accounts on that directory. Two of the global user properties that get set by this creation of global users are the following:

Account Name (LDAP attribute name eTUserid): Set to the corresponding account's account name property.

Global User Name (LDAP attribute name eTGlobalUserName): Set to be the same as the Account Name property, but translated to lowercase.

If you acquire a primary directory with mixed case account names, this will by default result in the created global user's Account Name property also having mixed case. Set the configuration parameter to Yes to force the Account Name property to be the same as the Global User Name property - always in lowercase.

Preserve the original case in the Account Name property by leaving the configuration parameter set to No if you have no endpoint types such as UNIX for which account names are case-sensitive.

An alternative to setting this parameter to Yes is to define your case-sensitive endpoint types' account template rule expressions for account name to use the TOLOWER built-in rule function, %$$TOLOWER(%AC%)%, instead of the normal account name rule expression, which is %AC%.

Note: If your primary directory has only uppercase account names, this configuration parameter has no effect. The global user's Account Name property will already be translated to lowercase.