This is the generalized syntax of etautil. For an explanation of the syntax and use of etautil, see the Provisioning Manager help.
etautil [-n] [-d domain] [-u user [-p password]] [-y password-file] [options] control_statements
Note: Using an input file provides better performance. A single bind executes all commands in the file.
Verifies the syntax of the command you entered, without executing the command.
Specifies the name of the provisioning domain.
Specifies the global user name for authentication.
Specifies the password of the named global user for authentication.
Cannot be specified with –y password_file option
Specifies a file name that contains a global user password. Cannot be specified with –p password option. Please see the "Important" section below for more information.
Includes any of the following:
-f filename
Reads the control statements in the indicated file and executes them. Use semicolons (;) to delimit multiple control statements.
Invokes the etautil interactive mode, which lets you enter control statements at the prompt. (Use <Ctrl+D> or <Enter> to terminate the interactive mode).
Displays operation details to stdout. See the section Obtain Operation Details.
Displays etautil help.
For more information about control statements, see etautil Control Statements.
Important: Enter all DNs in the same case as stored in the provisioning directory. DNs are strings that etautil often requires in your commands. In most cases, an incorrect-case DN supplied to the Provisioning Server is processed as is. Authorization errors are common as most permission checking is done by a case-sensitive comparison of the DN of an object being operated upon with the DN specified in a privilege. Copying DN strings from logs or the JXplorer utility ensures the DN is in the correct case.
On UNIX, we strongly recommended you include the -y password-file option to specify an authentication password. For example, if “$HOME/.pwdfile” contains myglobaluser’s password, then you can use etautil command as follows:
$ etautil -u myglobaluser -y “$HOME/.pwdfile” <other-options>
The command disregards any newline character if one exists at the end of the password file, but it uses the rest of the content as the authentication password.
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