The SPML Web Service requires that the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) be enabled. The SPML clients, the CMDRA, SPML Manager, and SPML Feed must trust the SSL server certificate to communicate with the server.
Note: Third party requesting authorities will need to support SSL to communicate with the SPML Web Service.
To configure the SPML client computer to use SSL security, perform the following steps:
<drive>:\<JRE-File-Path>\bin\keytool -import -file <Certificate-File-Path> -keystore "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\.spmlkeystore" -storepass changeit -noprompt
This command creates a new keystore called .spmlkeystore, located in user's home directory (as determined by "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%"). The batch files that launch the RA clients (SPMLManager, Command Line RA, and SPML Feed) read this file to allow SSL communication.
Note: By default the batch files use the truststore path and password as defined by the keytool command described in step 1e. To use different path and password, variables set in the batch files for each client have to be modified accordingly. For example:
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