The Identity Manager documentation includes examples of invoking commands from a command prompt. On Windows, this prompt is a Command (DOS) Window; on UNIX, the prompt use one of various shells. Except where noted, you can assume the examples are for Windows. You can understand the environment variables and path separators that would be necessary to use a given commands on UNIX by replacing Windows pathnames such as
Also, on UNIX nearly all directories (folders) and file names are in lower-case. Since case is significant in file names on UNIX but insignificant on Windows, some examples in the documentation that refer PSHOME\Data function correctly on Windows, even though new installations name that folder data instead of Data. If you are unsure about the case used for a directory on UNIX, use the ls command to locate the exact directory name.
When UNIX examples are given, they apply to any command shell, but were specifically tested to work with the Bourne shell (/bin/sh).
Also, note that quoting rules are different in Windows and UNIX command interpreters. Consult the respective interpreter documentation for how to quote or escape data that requires quoting or escaping.
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