The addition or deletion of accounts or other objects using tools native to the endpoint are unnoticed by CA Identity Manager until you explore the endpoint. The exploration process notices additions and deletions (and in some cases modifications) that have occurred and applies those changes to the Identity Manager representation of the object in the provisioning directory.
However, if you use the Provisioning Manager to attempt to create an object with the same name before this exploration occurs, CA Identity Manager notices that an object with that name already exists and report this error. CA Identity Manager then explores that object, creating a representation of it in the provisioning directory. You can immediately start working with that object. The automatic one-object explore occurs whenever an Add, Move or Rename operation generates an already exists error from the endpoint when the object does not exist in the provisioning directory.
You can combine automatic exploration with the Synchronization/Automatic Correlation domain configuration parameter described in the Provisioning Reference Guide. When these features work together, they first process an attempt to create an account from an account template as an attempt to create a new account. Then, the processing uses the following steps:
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