Values: Yes (default) or No
Description: Controls what access checks are performed when assigning a global user group or admin profile to a global user, global user group or admin profile.
Regardless of the setting of this parameter, the Provisioning Server checks for Modify access to a specific attribute of the object being assigned and Modify access to a specific attribute of the object to which it is assigned.
If this parameter is Yes (the default), the Provisioning Server will also check for Owner access to each of the objects to which the assigned admin profile or global user group grants access. This prevents one from being able to assign privileges through a global user group or admin profile that one could not have assigned directly to the target global user, global user group or admin profile.
If you do not need added protection, this parameter can be set to No to disable additional Owner access checks. Doing so lets you have one set of administrators who define admin profiles and another set of administrators who assign those admin profiles to users.
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