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Connect to SiteMinder

To connect to a SiteMinder Policy Server, perform the following steps. For a cluster, perform these steps on each cluster member.

Follow these steps:

  1. On the WebSphere application server system, navigate to was_home/bin/.
  2. Edit the file. Add the following path to the SMPS variable under the Start CA IAM Suite section:


  3. Start the WebSphere application server.
  4. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, go to Application servers, your_server, Install Applications, IdentityMinder, Manage Modules, policyserver.rar, IdentityMingerPolicyServerRA, J2C connection factories.
  5. Click on the object with the following JNDI name:


  6. Click on Custom Properties.
  7. Set the following properties:
  8. In the SiteMinder Administrative UI, create an Agent configuration object for the Agent protecting your WebSphere resources.

    Note: For more details on creating an Agent configuration, see the SiteMinder Policy Server Configuration Guide.

  9. Navigate to the following location:


  10. Edit the web.xml file and set enabled=false for the AgentFilter and the FrameworkAuthFilter. For example:
  11. Run the CA Identity Manager installer on the SiteMinder system and install the Extensions for SiteMinder.