Previous Topic: Deploy the iam_im.ear with a JACL Script

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Deploy the iam_im.ear from the WebSphere Administrative Console

If deploying the iam_im.ear using a JACL script did not work, use this procedure instead.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log into the WebSphere Administrative Console.
  2. Click Applications, New Applications, New Enterprise Application.
  3. Click Install.
  4. Supply the location of the EAR file that you generated.
  5. Fill in the dialog as follows:
    1. Select Fast Path.
    2. Expand the Choose to generate default bindings and mappings.
    3. Select Generate Default Bindings.


  6. On the Installation Options page, no changes are needed.
  7. On the Map modules to servers page:
    1. Fill in the Clusters or Servers field as appropriate.
    2. Select all modules.


  8. On the Map virtual hosts to Web modules page, select all modules.
  9. Verify the Summary page appears similar to the following example:


  10. Click Finish to deploy the ear.

    Note: This step takes some time to complete.

  11. Save the installation directly to the master configuration.