When CA Identity Manager manages a very large user store, searches that return many results can cause the system to run out of memory.
The following two settings determine how CA Identity Manager handles large searches:
Specifies the maximum number of results that CA Identity Manager can return when searching a user directory. When the number of results exceeds the limit, an error is displayed.
Specifies the number of objects that can be returned in a single search. If the number of objects exceeds the page size, CA Identity Manager performs multiple searches.
Note: If the user store does not support paging, and a value for maxrows is specified, CA Identity Manager uses only the maxrows value to control search size.
You can configure maximum row limits and page size in the following places:
In most user stores and databases, you can configure search limits.
Note: For more information, see the documentation for the user store or database that you are using.
You can configure the DirectorySearch element in the directory configuration file (directory.xml) that you use to create the Identity Manager Directory.
By default, the value for maximum rows and page size is unlimited for existing directories. For new directories, the value for maximum rows is unlimited and the value for page size is 2000.
To set maximum row limits and page sizes that apply to one type of object instead of an entire Directory, configure the managed object definition the directory.xml file that you use to create the Identity Manager Directory.
Setting limits for a managed object type allows you to make adjustments based on business requirements. For example, most companies have more users than groups. Those companies can set limits for user object searches only.
You can control the number of search results that users see in search and list screens in the User Console. If the number of results exceeds the number of results per page defined for the task, users see links to additional pages of results.
This setting does not affect the number of results returned by a search.
Note: For information on setting page size in search and list screens, see the Administration Guide.
If maximum row limits and page sizes are defined in multiple places, the most specific setting applies. For example, managed object settings take precedence over directory level settings.
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