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Configure Active Directory Paging Support

Active Directory uses 1000 as the default MaxPageSize. If the maxpagesize attribute value in directory.xml is greater than or equal to 1000, CA Identity Manager fails to display a warning when the number of search results exceeds the maxrows value in directory.xml. In this case, administrators who perform the search are not aware that some search results are not returned.

To prevent this issue, verify that the maxpagesize attribute value for the Directory and each managed object is less than the Active Directory MaxPageSize.

If you are creating an Identity Manager Directory using the template directory.xml file installed with CA Identity Manager 12.5 SP7 or higher, you do not need to perform any additional steps for paging support. The maxpagesize attribute in directory.xml is set by default.

If you are adding paging support to an existing Identity Manager Directory, be sure that the maxpagesize attribute in directory.xml is less than 1000.

Also, if the Active Directory MaxPageSize is 1000, verify that the maxpagesize attribute is set appropriately for the Identity Manager directory and all managed objects.