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Additional Tasks in Search and List Screens

You can configure CA Identity Manager to add additional actions that users can perform in search and list screens. For example, you can configure the search screen in the Modify User task to enable users to perform a task, such as disabling a user, from the list of users returned by the search.

Adding tasks to search and list screens reduces the number of clicks required to complete a task, and simplifies the user interface.

Tasks on search and list screens can be displayed using one of the following methods:

Add Additional Tasks to Search and List Screens

You can configure CA Identity Manager to launch additional tasks from search or list screens to reduce the number of steps users take to complete certain tasks.

To add additional tasks to search and list screens

  1. Modify a search or list screen.

    The Configure Standard Search Screen window appears.

  2. Add a new row in the search results fields section as follows:
    1. Add a new row by clicking the plus icon below the search results table.
    2. Select the separator style.
    3. Select one of the following options, and then click the edit icon to configure the additional tasks:
      • Task Link

        Displays the additional tasks as icons or text links.

      • Task Menu

        Displays an Action button that users click to view a menu of the tasks they can perform.

  3. If you selected Task Link, complete the following steps:
    1. Specify the task that opens when users click the task icon or link in the Default Task field.
    2. Specify an alternate task that opens if users do not have privileges to open the default task.
    3. Determine how CA Identity Manager opens the task by selecting or clearing the Nest Task field.

      When this option is selected, the task opens as a nested task. When users complete the nested task, they return to the search or list screen.

    4. Determine whether the additional tasks will be displayed as icons or text links be selecting or clearing the Task Icon field.

      If you clear this option, CA Identity Manager displays the task as a text link.

  4. If you selected Task Menu, complete the following steps:
    1. Select the type of tasks that CA Identity Manager displays in the task menu.
    2. Specify the tasks to display if you selected the Include Only the Specified Tasks or Exclude Specified Tasks options in step a.
    3. Determine whether CA Identity Manager opens menu tasks as nested tasks by selecting or clearing the Nest Task option.

      When you select the Nest Task option, CA Identity Manager returns users to the location where they launched the task when the additional task completes.

  5. Click OK, then click Select.
  6. Click OK, Submit to save changes to the screens.