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Configure Upgraded Cluster Members

After you have run the upgrade program, you configure the WebSphere cluster members.

To configure upgraded cluster members

  1. Start the Deployment Manager.
  2. Configure the messaging engine stores for each cluster member, as follows:
    1. In the Administrative Console, go to Service Integration, Buses, iam_im-IMSBus, Messaging engines, select the messaging engine name, and click message store.
    2. Change the schema name for the messaging engine store to the database schema name.
    3. If you are using existing messaging stores, truncate the database tables for each messaging store you reuse. For example, for a Microsoft SQL Server installation, you would enter:

      truncate table IBMWSSIB.SIB000;

      truncate table IBMWSSIB.SIB001;

      truncate table IBMWSSIB.SIB002;

      truncate table IBMWSSIB.SIBXACTS;

      truncate table IBMWSSIB.SIBKEYS;

      truncate table IBMWSSIB.SIBOWNER;

      truncate table IBMWSSIB.SIBOWNER;

      truncate table IBMWSSIB.SIBCLASSMAP;

      truncate table IBMWSSIB.SIBLISTING;

      For IBMWSSIB, enter the schema name of the cluster nodes in the previous installation.

    4. Set up cluster members again as follows:
      wsadmin -f iam_im_imsSetupClusterMember.jacl nodeN serverN cluster01 iam_im-nodeN-serverN
    5. Note down the message store JNDI name for each message engine to make sure it exists. If any message store does not exist, create it.

      Rename the JNDI entries to this format:


    6. Update your core group policies, so that the match criteria uses the new message engine names for each server policy you have defined.

      For example, change the IMSBus value in WSAF_SIB_MESSAGING_ENGINE to iam_im-IMSBus.

  3. Restart the Node Agents on each cluster member. Wait a while for the deployment manager to update each node’s installed applications. When you see castylesr5.1.1.ear and iam_im.ear appearing in the installedApps of each cluster member, proceed to the next step.
  4. On each node, update the workpoint BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS in file.

    Edit file under iam_im.ear/config.


    Locate the WebSphere section in this file.

    # java.naming.provider.url=iiop://localhost:2809

    Replace 2809 with the profile’s port that is used for the BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS.

  5. On UNIX, remove the .UTF8 suffix from the LANG and LC_ALL environment variables before you restart your cluster nodes. Otherwise, workpoint start up exceptions prevent the environments from starting.
  6. If you are using SiteMinder, update the WebSphere Path definition for each cluster member. For example, if you have clusterMember1 and clusterMember2, update as follows:
    1. In the Deployment Manager, go to Application servers, clusterMember1, Server Infrastructure, Java and process definition, Process Definition, Environment Entries.
    2. Add the full path to the iam_im.ear/user_console.war/WEB-INF/lib directory. For example, on Windows, the path may be:
      D:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv02\installedApps\wasserverCell01\iam_im.ear\user_console.war\WEB-INF\lib
    3. Repeat Steps a and b for each cluster member.