Valid on Windows and UNIX
The Role Definition Generator command parses the endpoint type metadata generated from Connector Xpress and generates the following file:
This command has the following format:
(Windows) RoleDefGenerator.bat [-c jar_path] [d domain] -e fqn -h hostname -l -m filename -o directory -n -p port -u username -s -y password_file.txt ] [endpoint_type ...]
(UNIX) [-c jar_path] [d domain] -e fqn -h hostname -l -m filename -o directory -n -p port -u username -s -y password_file.txt ] [endpoint_type ...]
Specifies that JAR is added to the classpath when using a JIAM extension JAR file.
Note: Optional, but if used, must be specified first.
Specifies the CA Identity Manager domain. If not specified, the role definition generator defaults to the CA Identity Manager domain.
Defines the fully qualified name of the JIAM option descriptor class that matches the metadata being used. Must be used in conjunction with the -m option. The JIAM extension jar that contains this endpoint type must be available in the classpath.
Defines the host name of Provisioning Server.
Specifies that the Role Definition Generator lists endpoint types, but does not generate role definitions.
Specifies that the metadata specified in this file is used to generate role definitions.
Defines the output directory.
Default: '.' that is, the current working directory.
If specified, TLS is not used. TLS communication is enabled by default.
Specifies the Provisioning Server port number. If not specified, then 20390 is used, or 20389 is used if –n is specified.
Defines the Provisioning Server admin user name.
Run in Standalone Java Connector Server mode.
Specifies the file that contains the Provisioning Server admin user password. If not specified, the utility prompts you for the password. The password file is in UTF-8 format. The first line of the file is used as the password.
Defines the name of the endpoint type (long form).
Example: List all endpoint types on a Provisioning Server
This example lists all endpoint types on a Provisioning Server:
RoleDefGenerator.bat -d EXAMPLEDOMAIN -h -u adminusername -l
Example: Generate role definitions for a dynamic endpoint type
This example generates role definitions for YourDynamicEndpointType.
RoleDefGenerator.bat -d EXAMPLEDOMAIN -h -u adminusername YourDynamicEndpointType
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