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Fixed Issues in r12.5 SP7

CA Identity Manager r12.5 SP7 includes the fixes issues in the following table.

Support Ticket

Problem Reported


CA Identity Manager is unable to redirect the login to another landing page other than default when NOT integrated with SiteMinder.


Snapshot Time missing in parameter (User accounts Report, view my report task).


During mailbox provisioning, the Exchange 2007 remote agent intermittently reports 'Not a mailbox user error' when setting 'HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled' on the newly created mailbox.


When specifying backup Domain Controllers for an ADS endpoint not having a NEWLINE after the final entry in the config file causes the last character of the final server name to be truncated. Causing the look up to fail if the other servers are unavailable.


When trying install SunOS remote agent in Solaris 10 this error appears:

SMX000007 Script or command "scripts/" failed with exit code 41


Task Resubmit does not function properly. When a provisioning role is added to a user but the endpoint is unavailable, the operation fails which is expected. It is possible to resubmit the failed task through the view submitted task interface once the endpoint is available again. However when the role addition task is resubmitted the account is not correctly added to the user.


When the user tries to remove all the Password Hint Questions and Answers, CA Identity Manager makes no changes but show a warning message: Task submitted. No changes have been made.


If a task belongs to the "self" action (such as self create or self modify), then the tab which contains the task is duplicated in the menu bar.


When acquiring an Active Directory endpoint with an extra UPN suffix through either Provisioning Manager or the User Console, the customer encounters an issue where all the dot (".") characters in the UPN become commas (",").


After enabling Manage Members for the Account Templates tab within the Create UNIX - etc Account task, the Account Template search page displays a ClassCastException.


TEWS load causes the server to run out of memory and refuses to accept login requests until it is re-started.


Provisioning directory high availability environment timing issue caused by the load-share in the knowledge file.

19948858 is missing although it is described in IM R12.5 installation guide Run the Script for Workflow topic.


The customer added the OOTB Accounts into the Tab of the Forgotten Password Task and enabled the "Load Status.


The account does not have a mailbox but when they doing User Synchronization, the ADS connector tries to access the mailbox rights attribute which actually does not exist on a Recipient account. This result in an error


When the modify user task check box for 'Must Remain In Scope' is selected, the following message appears if an attempt is made to modify the object resulting in the object becoming out-of-scope to the Admin. "Object xyz is no longer in scope. Cannot submit task"


CA Identity Manager skin displays the Title field bigger and different from all other attributes.


No ADS group is retrieved from Provisioning Manager Active Directory Account Template.


In a clustered setup, the generated ETACALLBACK URI (for inbound synchronization) uses the local hostname and not the hostname defined for the base URI of the environment causes problem with Inbound synchronization from the Provisioning Server where it goes to the individual application servers directly and not to the load balancer.


Boolean field in custom report not passing value from CA Identity Manager to Crystal server. When you have a parameter value "true" or "false" the report value always takes "true" as that parameter value.


Apparently the eTADSpayload attribute must be padded by leading zeros, but this is not the case when correlated with the ADS account.


When a Policy Xpress Action rules triggers on DisableUserEvent, the 'Error finding Account' message is displayed on the screen and in the logs.


The Identity Manager Server cannot connect to a user store hosted by CA Directory running in FIPS mode.


Workflow participant resolver does not work correctly for EnableUserEvent when the user sets up the approval, the validation error displays "Cannot set Primary object of this task" in the {0} Resolver Description section for the multi-select task."


Customer reported that when updating an RSA account using global user, template propagation, the default shell value on the account is set to the account First Name.


When a report runs, we see the instance run-time stamp plus status in the reports server, History tab. The failed ones get status Failed, and the completed ones get Success. However, when we run the report directly from the Reports Server, using the same data source values, the report completes successfully.


There is a problem when using client SQL Server Database with respect to the audit tables, specifically the data in the table imsAuditObjectAttributes12. It does not display special characters properly. This causes the Audit reports to fail.


When a user sets the "End Date" of the "Out of Office Assistant" in the "Edit Delegation Details" page, the page prints an error message which says [Delegate Work Items] Start date in the past.


Duplicate name exists reported when customer doing a load test when adding some users, then removing some users, and then recreated the users.


If the user profile has a multi-valued field, and in a Modify User event there were updates to more than one of the values in the multi-valued field, then the Audit Details Report would show under 'Old Value' and 'New Value' only the old and new of one of the values.


Audit Details and Audit-Reset Password Reports fail.


Issue with how CA Identity Manager renders the dynamic elements for accessID and facility ID. It is not rendering the elements correctly.


Policy-based workflow misbehaves when the Corporate and the Provisioning Directory are the same directory, and the Approval Rule is based on "Primary Object of the Event".


AS400 JCS connector calls the native program QSYCHGPW.PGM to perform password change operation. This program is subject to the native system password rules (min length, history, etc.). A password change originating from CA Identity Manager is always considered an administrative password change and should not be subjected to user password history check. This is causing constant failure because the administrator uses a standard password for password reset.


Group membership rule fails when AD is the Corporate store.


While attempting to deploy a customized environment role definition file, encountered an error "Error: The type "UNKNOWN" is not a valid object type".


Modified search screen for admin roles ignores name filter. The new Admin Task does not start automatically by skipping the search screen and editing the specific mentioned Admin Role name.


Issues occur when you configure the filter on the Search Screen. For example, the default Search Screen filter may search for an admin role based upon the name beginning with Ad. An error prevents the search screen from processing the default filter, thus returning inaccurate search results.


When the CA RCM server receives a request from CA Identity Manager to create or modify a user or role, the following error is displayed in the CA RCM server log:

ERROR [Call] No returnType was specified to the Call object! You must call setReturnType() if you have called addParameter().

This error is benign and can be safely ignored. The changes are successfully executed in CA RCM.


When performing wildcard (*) searches on large user stores, the task can fail with a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space error. This issue occurs when many objects, such as users, are loaded into memory.


On WebSphere on Linux, if LANG is set to xxxUTF-8 on Linux systems, you may see a error during workflow startup.