Previous Topic: How to Manually Upgrade to CA Identity Manager r12.5 SP8

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Manually Upgrade the Provisioning Directory

CA Directory no longer uses Ingres as a data store. Starting at CA Directory r12 SP1, a new memory-mapped file technology named DXgrid is used. For Provisioning to work with CA Identity Manager r12.5 SP8, upgrade the Provisioning Directory schema and CA Directory.

Note: If you want to install your Provisioning Directory on a new system, migrate the Provisioning Directory instead of performing an upgrade. See the Provisioning Components Upgrade chapter.

Important! Upgrading the Provisioning Directory must be done by running the upgrade.bat (or file located in the CADirectory/dxserver directory. Do not perform the upgrade by running the Provisioning Directory setup.exe file. The upgrade.bat script will examine your system and then upgrade CA Directory after performing any prerequisite cleanup, then the script will upgrade the Provisioning Directory.

To manually upgrade the Provisioning Directory

  1. If you have primary and alternate Provisioning Directories, back up your primary Provisioning Directory.
  2. Shut down all Provisioning Directories in your environment.
  3. Stop Ingres with the following command:
    ingstop -service(or ingstop -kill)
  4. Verify that all of the following Ingres processes are stopped:
  5. Restart Ingres with the following command:
    ingstart -service
  6. Verify that the Provisioning and Connector services are stopped.
  7. (Windows only) Be sure the Local Service account has read/write permissions to the folder where CA Directory will be installed. 
  8. Navigate to the CADirectory/dxserver folder on the CA Identity Manager installer media.
  9. Run the upgrade.bat file.

    The Provisioning Directory upgrade wizard starts.

    Note the following:

  10. Go through the wizard and enter the information you collected for the upgrade. Select a Typical installation type when prompted during the CA Directory upgrade.

    The Provisioning Directory and CA Directory are upgraded.

Note: You can select a check box during upgrade to configure Provisioning Directory high availability. If you choose this option, you must supply the hostnames of any alternate Provisioning Directories and specify the primary Provisioning Directory. When the upgrade completes, uninstall and reinstall any alternate Provisioning Directories. For more information, see the Installation Guide.

For details on using CA Directory, you can find CA Directory documentation at