Configuration Guide › SiteMinder Integration › How to Protect CA Identity Manager with SiteMinder › Install the Proxy Plugin › Install the Proxy Plug-In on WebLogic › Configure the Apache Proxy Plug-in
Configure the Apache Proxy Plug-in
- After installing a Web Agent on Solaris, stop the Apache web server and copy the file from the following location:
- Edit the http.conf file (located in apache_home/conf) and make the following changes:
- Under the load module section, add the following:
LoadModule weblogic_module modules/
- Edit the server name with the name of the Apache server system.
- Add an If block at the end of the file as follows:
<IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
WebLogicPort 7001
MatchExpression /iam
MatchExpression /castylesr5.1.1
- Save the http.conf file.
- Restart the Apache web server.
For more information about the http.conf file, see Oracle WebLogic 11 Documentation.