Previous Topic: Environment Changes

Next Topic: Update Role Definitions

Upgrade r12 or r12.5 Environments with Access Roles

If you upgraded from a pre-C9 version of CA Identity Manager r12 or a pre-SP4 version of CA Identity Manager r12.5, perform these steps for each environment with access roles:

To upgrade environments with access roles

  1. Select an environment with access roles in the Management Console.
  2. Export the Role Definitions from this environment.
  3. Verify that the exported XML file contains all the Access Roles and Access Tasks.
  4. In the User Console, login as a user with privileges to manage all access roles and tasks.
  5. Delete all Access Roles and Access Tasks from the Identity Manager environment.
  6. In the Management Console, select the environment.
  7. Choose Advanced Settings, Miscellaneous.
    1. Add EnableSMRBAC to the Property Field.
    2. In the value field, enter: true.
    3. Click Add.
  8. Import the Role Definitions that you exported in Step 2.

    This import creates all Access Roles and Access Tasks and associates them with SiteMinder objects. In the SiteMinder user interface, you can use these objects to assign Access Roles to policies and Access Tasks with Responses.

  9. Repeat these steps for each environment with access roles.