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Enable HTTPS Communication Between CA Identity Manager and SAP Netweaver

Due to the way that SAP Netweaver and the Netweaver Application Server work, only HTTP basic authentication can be used. As a result, data (including user IDs and passwords) is sent "in the clear" between CA Identity Manager and Netweaver AS.

Communications between Identity Manager components should already be secure.

To improve the security of the link between CA Identity Manager and SAP Netweaver AS, we strongly recommend that you set up an HTTPS connection.

To enable HTTPS communication between CA Identity Manager and SAP Netweaver

  1. Locate the certificate for the SAP Application Server Java, or its CA certificate.
  2. To add the certificate to the Java Connector Server keystore as a trusted certificate, enter one of the following commands:
    (Windows)<jcs-installation-location\conf>..\jvm\bin\Keytool.exe -importcert -keystore ssl.keystore -storepass <keystore_password> -file <cert_file>
    (Solaris)<jcs-installation-location\conf>../jvm/bin/keytool -import -keystore ssl.keystore -storepass <keystore_password> -file <cert_file>

    The keystore is in jcs-installation-location/conf/ssl.keystore.

  3. Restart the Java CS.
  4. Verify that the Use HTTPS check box is selected for each SAP UME endpoint that you create. This check box is selected by default.