Previous Topic: SDKWS Sample Connector Build Requirements

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Build the SDKWS Sample Connector

To use the Forward Inc web application, build the SDKWS sample connector.

To build the SDKWS sample connector

  1. Verify that the JAVA_HOME points to your JDK install.
  2. Set an ANT_HOME environment variable to the full path that you unzipped the ANT installation to.
  3. Add the bin/ directory under the ANT_Home path to your PATH environment variable, for example:
  4. Open a Command Prompt window and navigate to the following directory:
    <Identity Manager Home>/Connector Server SDK
  5. Enter the following command:
    ant inst

    The ant installer creates the file in the build/inst/ directory.

  6. Copy into Java CS installer directory where you downloaded the CA Identity Manager installation files, then enter the following command:
    Run setup.exe

    The Java CS starts.

    You have built the SDKWS sample connector.

  7. Generate SDKWS Connector Account Management Screens.
  8. Start Tomcat.
  9. Open a web browser and enter the following URL:


    The Forward Inc web page appears.

  10. Run the JMeter tests.
  11. To view the SDKWS Connector Account Management screens, start the CA Identity Manager User Console and navigate to the SDKWS Endpoint.