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Solaris: Websphere Cluster Issue after Upgrade from r12 CR12


When you upgrade from CA Identity Manager r12 CR 12 on a WebSphere cluster running on Solaris, the installer does not copy the ims6AddWfEventsJMSQueue.jacl to the Deployment Manager profile.


  1. After you complete the upgrade, copy the ims6AddWfEventsJMSQueue.jacl file from the CA Identity Manager r12.5 SP8 Websphere-tools directory to the following location on the system where the Depolyment Manager is running:

    WAS_HOME/Application Server/profiles/dm_profile/bin

    The CA Identity Manager r12.5 SP8 Websphere-tools file is located in WAS_HOME/AppServer.

  2. Run the following command against all cluster members except the primary cluster member:

    wsadmin -f ims6AddWfEventsJMSQueue.jacl node server cluster