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Enable Logging of LDAP Unbind Operations

The Provisioning Server has been enhanced to log LDAP unbind operations in the etatrans*.log. An unbind operation does not necessarily mean that the domain is closed as the Provisioning Manager can open additional LDAP connections after the first connection has been established.

To enable Provisioning Server transaction logging

  1. In the Provisioning Manager, click System, Domain Configuration, then expand Transaction Log.
  2. Set Enable to true.

    Each unbind operation is logged as follows:

    Unbind    :E133:----:S: External Unbind (eTGlobalUserName=<user>) Requested by User <user>
    Unbind    :E133:----:P:     dn: eTGlobalUserName=<user>,eTGlobalUserContainerName=Global Users,eTNamesp
    Unbind    :E133:----:P:+    aceName=CommonObjects,dc=<dc>
    Unbind    :E133:----:F: SUCCESS: External Unbind (eTGlobalUserName=<user>)