Implementation Guide › Creating a Disaster Recovery Plan › Develop Restore Procedures › Restore Admin Tasks
Restore Admin Tasks
If an admin task was in process at the time of disaster, it can be recovered under the following conditions.
- Any admin task that was in a Pending state waiting on approvals continues to be available if the stores used to maintain that state information are preserved. The stores include the Task Persistence database, the JMS store that holds the task and event JMS Messages, and the Workflow database.
- Tasks in the In Progress state (any state other than Pending) are subject to additional conditions.
A task in this state requires the posting of a new JMS Message to the CA Identity Manager Event message queue to continue being processed. Outages that occur before that event being posted to the queue prevent the task from continuing upon recovery.
In this situation, two options exist to recover the task:
- If the task is present in the View Submitted Tasks task in the failed state, go to the task details page and use the Resubmit Task option to resubmit the task.
- Submit a new task with the same changes.