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Replace Option Pack Files on WebSphere 6.1

If you upgraded the Identity Manager server on WebSphere 6.1, you need to replace some files.

To replace Option Pack files for WebSphere 6.1

  1. Start the application server.
  2. In the Administrative Console, do the following:
    1. Go to Applications, Enterprise Applications.
    2. Select IdentityMinder.
    3. Click Update.
    4. Select Replace, add, or delete multiple files.
    5. Select Local file system.
    6. Click Browse and select the option_pack_home/install/WebSphere/ file.
    7. Click Next to update IdentityMinder, as follows:
      • Click OK to update.
      • Wait until the console shows Update of IdentityMinder has ended.
      • Click Save.
  3. Repeat Step two using the im_home/IAM Suite/Identity Manager/tools/OPMigrationTool/ file.
  4. Restart the application server.
  5. Check the WebSphere SystemOut.log file and be sure that no exceptions are listed.