In the event of a disaster, users can lose access to services that are critical to their jobs. As a result, these users cannot provide services to other users.
The urgency to restore access to services depends on the actual use of CA Identity Manager. In some organizations, users require uninterrupted access to services provided by CA Identity Manager while other users require system restoration within a day. In either case, we recommend that you make preparations to protect your CA Identity Manager implementation from an event that causes partial or complete loss of your systems.
By configuring a redundant architecture for CA Identity Manager, you can ensure that services are highly available to users. When a primary component fails, the alternate component continues to provide the same service. In addition, you can routinely back up critical systems and software, so you can restore any system or data that is completely lost.
This document provides general planning guidelines for these scenarios. We recommend that you use these guidelines to develop specific disaster recovery procedures that address your organization's requirements.
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