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Test the Failover Process

All servers or directories should have an alternate server or directory at a remote site, including these components:

Manually stop each component and verify that all operations continue to function, using the alternate component. For example, you could perform the following test of the Provisioning Server:

  1. On a system with the Primary Provisioning Server, stop the Provisioning Service services from the Windows services dialog.

    The Primary Provisioning Server is stopped.

  2. In the User Console, perform the following actions:
    1. Assign a Provisioning Role to a user.
    2. Verify that the endpoint accounts are created for that user.

      The accounts being created depend on the alternate Provisioning Server handling the communication with the Identity Manager server.

This procedure is an example of one test. For each component that you stop, develop similar tests to verify that the alternate component is in use.