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Alternate Provisioning Components

Several provisioning components have the option of an alternate component to provide high availability. The alternate component should be at a remote site for the highest protection.

See the High Availability Provisioning chapter of the Installation Guide for specific configuration details of alternate servers and directories.

Multi-Site Provisioning Directories

You can create primary and alternate provisioning directories with the alternate directories at a remote location. CA Directory recommends that you install three Provisioning Directories, one primary and two alternate directories.

Multi-Site Provisioning Servers

To protect against failure of the primary Provisioning Server, you can configure an alternate Provisioning Server. The difference between primary and alternate Provisioning Servers is that the primary server installation populates the Provisioning Directory container entries. Also, uninstalling a primary server removes those entries. Apart from installation and uninstallation, the primary and alternate servers function in the same manner.

Multi-Site Connector Servers

For either the Java or C++ Connector Server, you can configure multiple connector servers to serve the same endpoint or endpoint type.

For each connector server you configure, you should configure an alternate connector server at a remote location to handle the same endpoints. If the connector server fails, the alternate server immediately manages the communication with the endpoints.