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Perform the Manual Migration Steps

You complete the Option Pack migration by performing the following manual steps:

Workflow Configuration

Because workflow is different between Option Pack 1 and CA Identity Manager r12.5 SP8, all workflow configurations must be recreated.

Note the following when recreating your workflow processes:

  1. A new global workflow setting exists in the CA Identity Manager r12.5 SP8. To access the global workflow setting, go to System, Configure Global Policy Based Workflow for Events.
  2. When creating new workflow processes, consider the type of event used. User attribute changes are related to Create/Modify User events. Account changes are related to the Create/Modify event for the dedicated event.
  3. When modifying objects that are associated with accounts, such as Active Directory Groups, the objects behave differently when assigning the object to a user, versus modifying the object itself. When assigning these objects to a user, the system generates different events that connect the object and the account, therefore creating a relationship between the object and the account. Consider these differences when creating new workflow processes. To see all events associated with a task, view the admin task and click the Events tab.
  4. A new Escalation Process template for workflow is available. Follow the sample workflow process upgrade steps to import the template.

WorkPoint Change

In the WorkPoint Designer, remove the StateWorkpointListener agent from any process where you manually added it.

Reverse Sync Workflow Settings

Reverse Sync policies that contained a workflow action are migrated so that workflow is now configured as part of the policy. These migrated policies are automatically created using a default workflow process. Edit any policy that had a workflow process associated with it, and recreate the workflow configuration as necessary. We recommend using single-step approvals for Reverse Sync workflow.

Reverse Sync Scheduling

In the Option Pack, Reverse Sync had a definition component and a scheduling component. The definitions have been migrated, but Reverse Sync is no longer scheduled as a separate task. To schedule Reverse Sync, create an Explore and Correlate definition and schedule it normally.

Note: For more information about Explore and Correlate, see the Administration Guide.

Scheduled Tasks (now Bulk Tasks)

In the Option Pack, Scheduled Tasks had a definition component and a scheduling component. The definitions have been migrated, but the scheduling has not been migrated. Go to System, Bulk Tasks, Execute Bulk Task to run or schedule a bulk task definition.

Policy Xpress Plug-ins Removed

The "Has Account Attribute Changed" and "Endpoint Objects" plug-ins were removed from Policy Xpress. If you had any Policy Xpress policies in the Option Pack that used these plug-ins, revise them to work with the new account structure in Policy Xpress. Also, update any data elements and actions around account attributes with newly required details.

Remaining Option Pack Data

After migrating the Option Pack, the following data is no longer used and can be removed: