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Import New Role Definitions

In the Management Console, import the new role definition files for the environment you want to upgrade.

To import the new role definition files

  1. In the Management Console, click Environments.
  2. Select the environment.
  3. Go to Role and Task Settings.
  4. Click Import.
  5. Scroll up to see the role definition files listed under Category: Upgrade to SP.

    Multiple role definitions files are listed for import.

  6. Select the Upgrade-OptionPack1-to-12.5SP-RoleDefinitions file.

    This file adds the Option Pack Migration task to the Option Pack tab in the User Console.

  7. Select a second role definitions file, one of the four Upgrade-12-to-12.5SP-RoleDefinitions files.

    Select a file based on if you have a Provisioning Server and an organization in your user store.

  8. Click Finish.
  9. Restart the environment.

Once you import the Option Pack role definitions file, go to the Option Pack tab in the User Console and run the Option Pack Migration task.