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Role, Task, and Screen Definition File Example

Use the Role Definition Generator to generate the field, screen, tab, task, and role definitions from the presentation metadata you created in Connector Xpress and the files required by the Identity Manager Server to provide account management for a specific endpoint type through the User Console.

Example: Generate role, task, and screen definition files

To convert the presentation metadata to the files required by CA Identity Manager to provide account management screens for MyJNDIEndpointType, use the Role Definition Generator.

Valid on Windows and UNIX

To generate role, task, and screen definition files

  1. Navigate to one of the the following directories according to your operating system:
  2. Open a command prompt window or a terminal window according to your operating system, then enter one of the following commands:

    (Windows and UNIX) The command generates the MyJNDIEndpointType.jar file.

    The role, task, and screen definitions generated from the metadata include a basic Manager role and an Auditor (read-only) role the endpoint type you specified.

  3. Next, deploy the MYJNDI.EndpointType.jar file to the Identity Manager Server.