The Execute a Bulk Task task allows you to schedule a bulk task or manually start a bulk task right away. Bulk tasks are usually scheduled, but starting a bulk task manually does not interfere with any scheduling already configured on the bulk task, and the bulk task runs immediately. Once you select Execute a Bulk Task, select Execute now to start the bulk task manually.
To schedule a bulk task to run periodically, use the CA Identity Manager recurrence functionality. Once you select Execute a Bulk Task, select Schedule new job and choose the options you want.
The Preview button allows you to see what objects will be affected by the bulk task before starting it.
When a bulk task is run in CA Identity Manager, a single, long-running Bulk Task Event is generated. For every object that is affected by the Bulk Task Event, a new nested task is generated. The Bulk Task Event remains in a pending state until all nested tasks for every object in the population filter are generated.
Note: If your bulk task population includes 500 objects, 500 nested tasks are created; one for each object. For performance reasons, we recommend scheduling bulk tasks with large populations.
In View Submitted Tasks, the Bulk Task Event displays the status of which nested tasks have been opened and on what object, and how many objects are left to address.
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