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Data Model Types

You can find the list of available data types which can be represented by referencing the SimpleValueGroup production in jcs-sdk-home/conf/xsd/datamodel.xsd XML schema.

The basic types, which are part of the XML schema specifications, are:


Represents a Boolean value, true or false.


Represents a 32-bit signed integer in the range [-2,147,483,648, 2,147,483,647]


Represents 64-bit signed integer.


A 32-bit floating-point decimal number as specified in the IEEE 754-1985 standard.


A 64-bit floating-point decimal number as specified in the IEEE 754-1985 standard. The external form is the same as the float datatype.


Defines a UTC date in "YYYY-MM-DD" syntax

Example: 1970-01-01


Defines a UTC date and time in "YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS" syntax.

Example: 1970-01-01T00:00:00


UTC time value in "HH:MM:SS" syntax

Example: 00:00:00


Referenced to fixed set of alternatives defined in metadata.

Note: For more information, see the SoftdrinkVarieties enum in the SDKDYN connector's sdkdyn_metadata.xml for an example.


Basically a string, but allows validator/converter plug-ins to be triggered.

Note: For more information, see <flexiStrValue type="noComma"> type in the SDKDYN connector's metadata.xml, referenced in its connector.xml, for an example.


Signifies the value is a raw binary value which should be passed through unchanged.

In addition to these basic types the following types are also types built on top of them: