Connector Guides › Connectors Guide › Connecting to Endpoints › RSA Authentication Manager SecurID 7.1 Connector › Connector Specific Features › RSA 6.x Connector Data Migration › Migration Utility Prerequisites
Migration Utility Prerequisites
Before you run the RSA7Migrate utility, do the following:
- Perform a migration of the RSA 6.1 endpoint data to RSA 7.1 endpoint data
- Acquire and explore RSA 7 namespaces that contains the migrated RSA data
You are required to supply the following information during the migration process:
- Identity Manager Provisioning Server connection details:
- Host name
- Port
- TLS status
- TLS port (if TLS status is enable)
- User name
- Password
- RSA 6 namespace name
- RSA 7 namespace name, that corresponds to the above RSA 6 namespace
- Security domain where the migrated RSA 6.1 data is located. This domain is always specified during the data migration process on the RSA side.
- Suffix you want to add to the RSA 6 template name to create the RSA 7 template name.