All dates and times that the RSA SecurID 7.1 Connector receives should be in UTC. All dates and time values that specify time zone information other that +00:00, -00:00 or Z, are invalid and any date or time values received without time zone information are treated as UTC.
In Account screens, values are in Provisioning Manager local time. The Provisioning Manager converts these values to UTC then passes them to endpoint. The endpoint then converts the values to the time zone it is in. For example, if the Provisioning Manager is in Perth (UTC + 8) and the endpoint is in Melbourne (UTC + 10), to set an endpoint-based time of Sept 1, 2009 10 am, set the value in the Provisioning Manager to September 1, 2009 8 am. (Provisioning Manager local time).
In Account template screens, although you can enter any value, the valid values are:
Specifies the date and time of account creation. The Provisioning Manager sets this value to the date and time of account creation converted to UTC, in the format yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ. The endpoint converts the value to the time zone it is in.
Use the same format as the rule string %XD%, with or without the Z. This string is passed as is (no conversion) to the Provisioning Server, and eventually to the endpoint. The endpoint then converts this value to its local time. Therefore, enter the value to whatever endpoint time you want the endpoint time it to be, converted to UTC, that is, use the equivalent UTC. As in the previous example of the endpoint in Melbourne and the Provisioning Manager in Perth, if you want to set the value to be September 1, 2009 10am Melbourne time, enter 2009-09-01T00:00:00.
As in the previous example of the endpoint in Melbourne and the Provisioning Manager in Perth, if you want to set the value to Dec 25, 2009 10am Melbourne time, the set the value in the Provisioning Manager to 2009-12-24T23:00:00.
This value works the same way as with the specific date case. That is, enter the UTC equivalent value.
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