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Export Operation Bindings

If you plan to reuse operation bindings in another project or if you simply want to back up your operations bindings, you can export operation bindings to an XML file. When you export operation bindings, Connector Xpress makes a copy of all operation bindings and any scripts or references to stored procedures.You can create a copy of a live endpoint type and that contains all operation bindings.

To export operation bindings

  1. Select Metadata, Export Operation Bindings.

    The Export Operations Bindings dialog appears.

  2. Specify the folder to save the XML file in and the name of the exported operation bindings.

    Your operation bindings are saved.

    When you export operation bindings, Connector Xpress automatically encapsulates scripts in CDATA sections in the exported XML file. You can easily cut-and-paste from exported XML files without having to worry about XML quoting issues such as "<" => "&lt;" and "&" => "&apos;".